Customer Profiles

Nic’s four stall horse barn
A Safe, Strong Shelter For Horses And Equipment
After building his house in Elbert, Colorado in 2016, Nic A. wanted a metal building for his horses and equipment. With his wife, two kids, three horses and two dogs, the extra space would be invaluable.
He called Armstrong Steel and, without delay, work began on his 50 x 50 horse barn.

Nic described the process as extremely quick and easy. He particularly liked that he was dealing directly with the steel building manufacturer and that Armstrong handled the design and additions internally without using a middle man, which is very common among internet steel building websites.

The family horses living comfortably
Knowing that the building was going to be multipurpose, Nic anticipated that the process of finding the right builder would be challenging. He was pleasantly surprised when his project only spent a week in design with Armstrong Steel.
“Armstrong takes a lot of responsibility for doing the changes and understanding what you need.”
With four 12 x 12 horse stalls, a 17 ft eve height and two 12 ft overhead doors, the building that Armstrong Steel manufactured was the perfect amount of space. As a masonry contractor, Nic often needs to keep large amounts of material out of the weather and accessible; the building does everything he needs.

Multipurpose Armstrong Steel building
“The Armstrong team was really quick and really accurate about designing the building to suit our needs.”
For Nic, having the metal building manufacturing plant located in-state was very convenient. Delivery was easy to schedule and the steel building was easy to unload. Everything was clearly labeled making it easy to account for all of the parts and materials.
He and his wife had a great experience with Armstrong Steel Buildings and are thinking ahead to the next metal building addition to the property.