Rising Steel Prices
Because the price of your steel building system is dependent upon many different factors, Armstrong Steel has the luxury of charging extremely competitive rates. Customers often find that prices are generally lower with Armstrong Steel than conventional construction methods.
To speak with a Building Expert about how to place your steel order, call 800-345-4610 today.
What Determines My Price?
Your price is influenced by a variety of factors, including:
- Oil & Gas Prices
- China's appetite for steel
- Global Production
- Supply & Demand
- Current market conditions
The prices of individual metals, like prices for any commodity, are essentially determined by supply and demand. In the past decade, China transformed the traditional pricing of iron ore as its prodigious metals appetite helped double global demand for seaborne iron ore. This resulting spike in price volatility led to a shift in pricing from annual contracts set between mining and steel companies, to the shorter-term agreements which are now commonplace today. This coupled with the economic recovery in the United States and a European rebound make for volatile steel prices. It's important not to risk sending your money to an unknown source. You need a debt free corporation that can be trusted to back up their guarantee to you, regardless of market outcomes.
How Do I Place My Order?
The short answer is you can’t. Once you've identified the building you wish to purchase, we'll help you figure out what the minimum required engineering payment will look like. In most cases, you'll be able to place your order for just a minimal payment. The sooner you place your order, the quicker you’ll get your building delivered.
If you're ready to get started, or if you have more questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with one of our experts at 800-345-4610 or fill out our Steel Building inquiry form. There's no obligation, and you'll be one step closer to your brand new building.
Why Armstrong Steel?
Purchasing your building sooner than later is key, which means it's important to find a corporation who understands your budget and the forces that shape your needs.
Some companies will try to entice you with unbelievably low prices that are almost impossible to believe. Beware of the lowest price! The cheapest steel building systems often times wind up becoming the most expensive headache. We'll work within your financial means and give you an accurate and realistic estimate.
With Armstrong Steel, any price increases incurred are almost always less than a random broker will be forced to pay. Why? Sheer volume. By speaking with an Armstrong Steel Building Expert, you can expect total transparency when it comes to your building project.
As a first-time builder, you have many options when it comes to accomplishing your goals. See how Armstrong's DirectBuy program compares with other purchasing options in our next section.