Why a New Year’s Resolution to Buy a Metal Building is a Bad Idea

How are you doing on your resolutions so far? Every year, it seems like the same scenario. You make a resolution, and don’t stick to it. But this year, you vow to change. This is the year you finally decide to buy a pre-engineered metal building.
You’ve put it off for too long. Whether you need more storage space for your tools, or want a place to tinker with your cars, a pre-engineered metal building is the ideal solution for your building needs.
Even though it’s the beginning of the New Year, why not just call it a resolution? Have you ever met someone that actually stuck to his or her New Year’s resolutions? It seems so hard to commit to an idea, or pledge yourself to get healthier, quit smoking or volunteer more of your time. As you read this, you might be struggling with your own resolutions. According to a University of Scranton study on New Year’s resolutions, 45% of people in the U.S. pledged to make a change in 2013, and the study found that only 8% of those people were actually successful in achieving their goals.
Only a dismal 8%? Why is that number so low? Are people biting off more than they can chew? Getting organized, or spending less doesn’t seem like a herculean task. While different people have different problems with new year’s resolutions, I like to narrow it down to one in particular.
Simply, it’s a weight on your shoulders.
Even if you think you live in a completely stress-free environment, something will weigh you down. Could be a decision, a goal, or any particular situation that troubles you. If you disagree with this statement, then I’d love to meet you and ask you about your secret. As the year begins, it seems like everyone is filled with unrealistic optimism, and they focus on vague aspirations instead of small, attainable ambitions. For instance, if you resolve to eat healthier, you can’t let yourself get derailed after a few desserts! Give yourself a plan to follow, and try to showcase your willpower.
Too often, we look at reasons why we don’t succeed. Well, let’s turn the tables for a moment. What are some of the reasons people achieve their goals? Could it be the motivation? Sticking with the ‘eating healthier’ example, we see people conquering their aspirations because they have the incentive, a personal trainer, or someone to guide them through the process.
Armstrong Steel’s team of building experts, engineers, and project managers will provide plenty of motivation, and help you along the way to reach your goals and get you into your pre-engineered metal building.
We’ll help you muster the effort in the planning and design of your new building. You just have to tell us about your situation and specifications, and then the only ‘work’ you’ll have to potentially do is erect the building.
That’s like showing up on the last day of spin class and being in better shape than the rest of the class.
Let us do the hard part, while you reap the rewards.
This year, instead of a resolution that you might blow off a month into 2015, make yourself a promise to get yourself into your very own pre-engineered metal building. People keep their promises!
Photo courtesy: Walter-Wilhelm
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