What’s the Easiest Way to Buy a Steel Building?

I get it. I really do. Everyone in the country wants ‘easy.’ It’s the reason why fast food is so popular. Evidently you can learn a language in 10 days now, or so an advertiser would have you believe. We’ve got robot vacuum cleaners, grocery store delivery services, online degree programs and the ability to talk to a friend or relative halfway around the world at the drop of a hat. With the advent of better technology, the increased spread of knowledge has exponentially helped the world embrace newer, improved practices in medicine, engineering, farming, and much, much more.
The point is there are so many inventions or processes in this day and age designed to make our lives easier. With that being said, there should also be an easy way to buy a steel building.
Armstrong Steel has made it easier than ever for first time builders, small business owners, farm families and the general public to buy a steel building directly from the manufacturer. It’s called the Direct Buy process, and it’s helped thousands of people realize a dream of owning a steel building.
A steel building isn’t a tuff-shed or a storage space you’d purchase at your local hardware store. It’s not an item you can pick up on your way home from work. It’s a structurally sound building, based on your specific area’s loads and building codes, designed to stand at least for 50 years. This is an once-in-a-lifetime purchase, and quite possibly a huge milestone in your life. Sounds difficult right? Even a big project like this can be made easy.
The Direct Buy process starts with you locking in your steel order with a small engineering fee. By locking in your steel order, you’re also essentially paying for drafters and designers to get to work on your steel building blueprints. No engineering fee, no drawings; it’s as simple as that. When it comes to your design, this process all revolves around your drawings. Like I said before, every building is customized to guarantee it counters the elements successfully and endures the test of time.
This practice might be standard with several steel building suppliers. But I like to think this company goes a step further. After you buy a steel building, you’re assigned a Project Manager like me. I have years of steel building experience. I’ll be your unofficial guide through the Direct Buy process. I’ll walk you through each set of plans – your approval and permit drawings – and make sure your steel building meets all of your city or county’s permitting requirements and meets your needs and specifications too. We’ll talk about different finishing options if you don’t want your building to have the outward appearance of steel. Plus we’ll talk about accessories, like your doors, windows, gutters and insulation. Just by selecting the Direct Buy process, you can pick each type of add-on based on your budget and individual need. Don’t let someone else pick out your doors and windows for you! There’s too much risk associated with that route. That’s where salesmen can hide the markup.
You’re bound to have questions, but that’s what I’m here for. If you want to make changes during the process, I’ll talk to the designers in our engineering department. Once you complete the revised approval drawings phase and you get your permits, you will look over your plans once more. If everything is correct and you’ve made all of your selections, we’ll send your plans to our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility.
At this point, you can relax. All that’s left is to make arrangements with our freight and logistics department. You’ll prepare your job site for delivery and determine when your steel building will arrive on location.
All that’s left is to take delivery! Sound easy? It’s extremely simple and trouble-free to buy a steel building.
Do you qualify as a candidate for the Direct Buy process? Contact a building expert today if you have any more questions.
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